Clement Thorey

Welcome !

I am a former geophysicist turned machine-learning engineer. Over the past four years, I have been leading the AI Research team at Xihelm where we build robots to automate the process of harvesting vegetables in greenhouses throughout Europe.

Always looking for new opportunities to learn, I am particularly interested in the interface between computer vision and robotics. I usually try to turn what I learn into small projects, a non-exhaustive list can be found here. I also like to participate in competitions hosted by drivendata where I like the emphasis in using ML to make the world a better place.

Before that, I obtained my PhD in geophysics during which I worked on the detection of solidified magma chambers in the lunar crust through numerical simulations and data exploration.

For more information, here is my complete CV.


Jan 1, 2018 Promoted AI lead at Xihelm !
Nov 1, 2016 Started working at Xihelm as deep-learning engineer :robot:
Oct 22, 2015 Succesfully defended my PhD ! :waxing_crescent_moon: :sparkles: